Surrogacy Programme


   Surrogates are commonly used for women with recurrent miscarriages, untreatable problems of the uterus (womb) such as recurrent fibroids, uterine or endometrial scarring (Asherman’s syndrome), prior hysterectomy or conditions where carrying the pregnancy would be a threat to the health of the mother.

     We offer a personalized and professional approach to a sensitive and private issue.

     PFRC’s Surrogacy Programme is the largest and most successful” All in One” medical, non-agency provider of surrogate services in INDIA and one of the leading surrogate services in the WORLD.

     Couples living nationally and internationally, have successfully become parents by working with Prashanth Fertility Centre.

     We have a full service of surrogacy and egg donation in PFRC that includes an attorney assistant. We believe in a well structured professional environment that clearly states the responsibilities of each party.

     None of our cases have ever been involved in a custody issue. Our program is supported by a strong base of experienced doctors, lawyers and dedicated associates.

     The mutual goal of all involved is to create a bond and trust between a couple and a surrogate that results in the fulfillment of everyone’s dream.

     This approach will provide you with the best possible situation that will alleviate most of your risks and fears. In addition, we provide prompt, personal service to help you make the right decisions regarding your medical conditions because, we have medical staffs available full time at Prashanth Fertility Research Centre.

     Our surrogate database is certainly the most comprehensive because we verify our surrogates credentials and availability each month.This high quality, highly successful services is provided to obtain the finest result and make surrogate pregnancy an affordable option for those who need it.


The intended parents create embryos by IVF that are transferred to the surrogate mother and the surrogate mother carries the child but maintains no genetic link. Here the eggs and sperms used are those of the commissioning couple (i.e. parents to be) however if necessary the eggs can be obtained from a donor and the surrogate mother can only carry the baby.


The donor donates her egg. The biological father provides the sperm that is used to fertilize the egg by the IVF/ICSI. The surrogate mother carries the baby and has no genetic link to the child.

We screen and select only those women who reside in Chennai, are in excellent health, free of any sexually transmitted disease and have had a healthy reproductive history. Each prospective surrogate must have had at least one child and be involved in a stable marriage or partnership, with her partner being supportive of her decision. She must also be willing to be committed to the Intended Parents and be willing to follow our stringent protocol of screening and counseling. We only want to present you with women who are genuinely interested in helping others in their quest to have a child.

STAY ( Residential Surrogates) The surrogates stay in the hospital till pregnancy test proves positive . If the commissioning couple desire they can be accommodated in an accomadation which is airy, well maintained and gives the surrogate a homely atmosphere as well as gives medical care on a daily basis.


The first step in the surrogacy process for couples involves consultation with Dr.Geetha Haripriya and speaking with one of our specialist doctors. This consultation is very important, as the information gathered by us will usually allow us to determine your eligibility and suitability for our program. We will answer any questions you may have and provide you with information about the availability of surrogates. It should be noted that we provide totally non-discriminatory services to all patients.

The Process

If you decide to schedule a consultation we can arrange for you to meet and see all of those that will be involved in your treatment (co-ordinators, physicians, embryologists, attorney). For those that would also like to meet with potential surrogates at the same time, a prior notice will be required in advance of your visit so that the surrogates may be present.

We screen and select only those women are in excellent health, free of any sexually transmitted disease and have had a healthy reproductive history. Each prospective Surrogate must have had at least one child and be involved in a stable marriage or partnership, with her partner being supportive of her decision. She must also be willing to be committed to the intended parents and be willing to follow our stringent protocol of screening and counselling. We only want to present you with women who are genuinely interested in helping others in their quest to have a child.Prior to any candidate being represented to intended parents, she has to complete the following minimum requirements.

  • Meeting the Co-ordinator.
  • Consultation with Physician – medical counselling.
  • Consultation with Dr.Geethaharipriya.
  • Registration.
  • Filling in forms by the doctor confirming that you need surrogacy.
  • Meeting the legal consultant for legal counselling.
  • Back to co-ordinator to consolidate the process.
  • Basic Investigation Completed.

Medical testing of the surrogate.

  • General Health Screening
  • Infection screening, Hepatitis B and C, HIV, Syphilis
  • Blood sugars
  • Hormone Profile
  • X ray Chest, ECG
  • Ultrasound abdomen and Pelvis
  • Hysterosalphingogram to outline the cavity of the uterus and tubes.
  • ECHO cardiogram
  • Anaesthetic fitness


  • Detailed counselling for the surrogate and her husband / family
  • Checking on family support
  • Checking on accommodation
  • Diet counselling.


The total package includes

  • Screening tests
  • IVF Process
  • Injections and other medication
  • Egg collection
  • Embryo transfer
  • Medication before, during and after egg collection and embryo transfer and during the entire period of pregnancy.
  • Blood tests and scan for the entire pregnancy
  • Personal toiletries will be provided
  • Medical consultation
  • Delivery of the surrogate by Caesarean or vaginal route.
  • Post delivery care for 3 months
  • Insurance for the surrogate

Not Included

  • Donor egg or sperm charges if required
  • Any admission for ailments of the surrogate and if medication is needed for treating problems like bleeding.
  • Sometimes IV medication is given to improve weight of the baby.
  • Care of the baby after birth

We offer surrogates who have no objection to remain anonymous and not to have any contact with the child after delivery.

The contract requires the surrogate not attempt to contact the couple after delivery unless the couple so desires.

The decision to seek the assistance of a surrogate is not easy. We strive to ease the stress of these decisions by maintaining and making available to you one of the most experienced and successful Surrogacy programs available in India and worldwide. We have couples who have had one baby / twins and have come for their second baby which is the best certification for our programme.


To date 370 babies have been delivered through the surrogacy programme.