Advances in the treatment of infertility are almost a daily news story. We are at the forefront of these technological advancements in infertility treatment.In addition to deploying cutting edge facilities and equipment, Prashanth Fertility Research Centre – PFRC houses ultra modern facilities and state of the art equipments. We thrive to provide the finest reproductive endocrine care. A Highly motivated and dedicated multidisciplinary team of doctors with vast experience of working in western hospitals, work together to offer the best and ultimate in reproduction care.
The center offers excellent facilities and well equipped infrastructure for advanced fertility treatments to tackle male and female infertility challenges. Mastering in various procedures such as Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Assisted Hatching (AH), Blastocyst Transfer, Sperm and Embryo Cryopreservation, PGD , Endometrosis and others.
This ensures that we are at the cutting edge of assisted reproductive technologies as they evolve.
The Laboratory is fully equipped, with all the latest and advanced equipments required for offering latest technology in treatment. This is effectively backed up with a duplicate set of equipments. Our team includes an in-house Embryologist trained at Sydney IVF Australia and two Consultant Embryologist from Australia.
Apart from them we have 12 more dedicated and fully trained embryologists in the team. Quality control assays are performed on a routine basis to ensure high quality performance.
- MINC incubators
- Humidicribs
- Laser Assisted Hatching Equipment
- Intra cytoplasmic Sperm injection Microscope
- Intracytoplasmic Morphologically selected Sperm
- Embryoscope
- Computer Assisted Semen Analysis
- Andrology unit and Sperm Bank
- DNA fragmentation
These are small bench top incubators which maintain temperature and accurate gas flow. There is a private chamber for each patient. Opening and closing the lid for one patient does not disturb the embryos of other patients.
Humidicrib is a new generation work station with a stereomicroscope. This workstation is used to manipulate the eggs and embryos in a closed environment with controlled temperature and gas which mimics the uterus. This setup enhances the quality of the embryo and there by increases the pregnancy rate.
It is a semen bank or Cryo bank that stores human sperm for future use. Semen is stored for different types of patients.
- Sperm from donors for women who go on IVF treatment with azoospermia partners.
- Patients who undergo chemotherapy
- Patients who have collection difficulty
- Patients who have low volume and count.
- Patients whose male partner is abroad and not available at the time.
In this procedure the sperms are cryoprotected by a specific technique and stored in straws and plunged in liquid nitrogen.
Sperm DNA fragmentation is the physical breaking of one or both DNA strands in sperm chromosomes. So a DNA test is done to find the DNA Integrity to identify men who are at risk of failing to initiate pregnancy. This is treatable if it was induced by life style, smoking, alcohol or by varicocele.
It is an inverted microscope with an adjustable temperature treated stage. It has a suction syringe to hold the egg and an injection syringe to inject t he sperm into the egg.
CASA is designed with phase contrast microscope is provided for performing reliable assessment of sperm movement pattern and morphological characteristics in semen.