Alpha Male Fertility Clinic


To keep our body physically and mentally fit, sexual health plays a key role and it deserves an important part in everyone’s life. Scientifically, sex is a hormone – driven body function designed to perpetuate the human species. Emotionally,it’s pleasurable activity that can help cement the bonding between two people. Sexual health is influenced by physical, psychological ,interpersonal and social factors.

Sexual health involves the sexual desire(libido) and the ability to get and sustain an erection. Any disturbance like hormonal in balance,stress,depression,relationship issues,cholesterol – clogged arteries can affect the libido and erection(erectile dysfunction). In fact, it is an early warning sign for heart disease.

Male sexual health also covers the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and the assessment and treatment of male infertility.

We understand that it can be difficult and embarrassing to discuss sexual dysfunction. But, have the courage to take the first step to reactivate your sex life. Not only will you and your partner feel more satisfied by taking control of your sexual health, but you will also be able to take control of other , more serious health problems, giving you the chance to improve your overall health.

What is male infertility?

Reproduction is a simple and natural experience for most couples. However, for some couples it is very difficult to conceive.

A man’s fertility generally relies on the quantity and quality of his sperm. If the number of sperm a man ejaculates is low or if the sperm are of a poor quality, it will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, for him to cause a pregnancy.

Male infertility is diagnosed when, after testing both partners, reproductive problems have been found in the male.

What are all the issues addressed at men's health clinic?

This is when a man ejaculates (comes) sooner than he wants to during sex. It’s only a problem if it bothers him or his partner. Causes can include anxiety about sexual performance, stress, unresolved issues in a relationship, or depression.

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Reduced or lost interest in sex
  • Ejaculatory dysfunction
  • Male infertility

Why is sex life vital for quality life?

Sex not only feels good. It can also be good for you. “Sexually active people take fewer sick days,” as their immune system improves and they are mentally and physically fit. Statistics released by the Sexual Dysfunction Association show that one-quarter of all marriages involving erectile dysfunction end in divorce. Physical intimacy and sexual health are vital components of a man’s life.

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. If erectile dysfunction is an ongoing issue, however, it can cause stress, affect your self-confidence and contribute to relationship problems. Problems getting or keeping an erection also can be a sign of an underlying health condition . If you’re concerned about erectile dysfunction, talk to your doctor — even if you’re embarrassed.

What is libido?

Libido is the desire to engage in sexual activity. About 5 percent of men have decreased libido, a condition that increases with age. Although most men with erectile dysfunction do not complain of decreased libido, after time, persistent failure with erections and sexual performance can lead to reduced sex drive in some men.

What is premature ejaculation?

This is when a man ejaculates (comes) sooner than he wants to during sex. It’s only a problem if it bothers him or his partner. Causes can include anxiety about sexual performance, stress, unresolved issues in a relationship, or depression.